Friday, November 20, 2009

How do I change my child's last name in the state of Illinois?

I am a single parent with low income. The courts tell me $300 and a lot of paperwork will eventually get it done. But I can't afford that. They gave me a packet to do it myself and it's overwhelming. Soemone please help.

How do I change my child's last name in the state of Illinois?
Just start at page one, and fill out what they give you... when you take it in, they will go though it and unwittingly tell you what you have made mistakes on, its a great way for free legal assistance. Also see if your state has a legal advocate, or friend of the court's office to help.
Reply:Yeah, unfortunately there is always a lot of paperwork and you do have to pay.

Try calling a local law school (I'm not sure what part if Illinois you are in) they often have law students who work to help people in the community with things like that. You can also try calling the pro-bono office, but since you don't have a real pressing case and just want to change the name, they probably won't help you.

Here's the pro bono referral office

They also have contact info for the law schools.

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