Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is the origin of the last name Samayoa?

I have tried researching it, but i don't know where to look and ave had no luck.

What is the origin of the last name Samayoa?
Nothing is really coming up i found the origin of the dog samoya though. says the name Samayoa comes from a Basque origin (the heritage of one of the key groups living along the border between Spain and France). Report Abuse

Reply:sounds asian....
Reply:it is not of Spanish decent first does not sounds like spanish just at the spelling and tone .......

i type the word on a search link and this is what came up on all searches :

For Vajrayana practitioners, the entire universe, including the five skandhas, is transformed into the mandala of Buddha's five wisdom families. So the problem of breaking samaya arises when one loses this practice and adheres to the normal concept of 'I and others', or 'this and that'. In Vajrayana, there are three major or root samayas to observe:

all forms as deities

all sounds as mantras

all minds as Dharmadhatu

When one's mind is truly developed to that point, there is no chance of making a mistake. Any mistake or broken samaya is the result of defecting from these three root samayas.

Samaya and Guru

As I mentioned earlier, samaya is connected with the guru. The guru is the key issue in the practice of Vajrayana, therefore we must check the guru before making important connections. As the Buddha said, "In Buddhist practice, everything must be checked." In Vajrayana, the four initiations are very important; in order to receive the four initiations, you must have a guru and this guru must be chosen by yourself. You cannot rely on your friends who may say, "There is a nice guru who happens to be in town, come and take initiation from him!" People take it so easily, so simply, without even checking on the background of the guru. Later on they may get headaches and regrets and hear rumors and gossip, so all these negative things happen because they didn't check first. Then there is no one to blame except themselves.

Different gurus have different qualities and levels; there are best, good, middling and very little, or sometime having the name as 'guru' but without any qualification. Some of them are even fake and some of them are not. This situation has been occurring throughout history and is not something new that is only happening now. You can see that through various texts and biographies of great masters and discover that many gurus were scolding the monks and practitioners for being careless in selecting gurus. Therefore, the most important thing is that the masters or gurus must be checked and must be genuine.

sorry could not find any other meanings for the word :-)

canna seed

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