Saturday, April 24, 2010

How do you pronounce this French last name?

I have a French girl in my class. Her last name is Seillier. How do you pronounce it?

How do you pronounce this French last name?
Well, sometimes it depends. It could be Sailor, Say-ler, Si-lee-ay, Say-ell-ee-ay. I have a French last name as well, LeMaster, and people get confused with even that. I mean, c'mon, LeMaster?!? It's barely French! But I do admire the fact that it literally translates into "the master" in English lol. But when I have to spell it (cause people don't know if it starts with "le" or "la") they think i'm crazy. I say "L-E- Capital M" then they stop me and say "wait, is it just master?" and I have to explain it again. I almost feel sorry for this girl, if I get this reaction with my name, just imagine what she goes through with that. It's pronounced la-master, and it doesn't even sound French. But my last name has meaning, as I am related to Charlemagne, the king of kindness, he was a king of france i believe. He is my 28th great-grandfather, and the king of hearts in a deck of cards was based off of him. (like some others are Julius Caesar and stuff...) anyway, hope I helped! If all else fails, just ask her. it must be hard having tons of people each day mispronounce your name, so if you just ask her you can get it right the first time.
Reply:Well, if she's pronouncing it the proper French way, it's "SELL-ee-ah".

An "s" in the beginning of a French word is always pronounced like an "s". The "ei" combination is always pronounced like the "e" in "let". The double L's have a regular L sound. The "i" and "e" have regular long vowel sounds. The "e" is a bit hard to figure out, since there are many different ways "e" gets pronounced in French, with no real rules about it. However, it's definitely not "aye", as E's are only pronounced like that if they are accented. And the "r" at the end of the "ier" ending is silent.

Of course, because of the corruption of languages over the years, she may not pronounce her last name like this at all. I once knew a girl whose last name was Jacques--just like the French boy name, so you'd think it was pronounced "Zhock". Nope. She pronounced it "Jakes!" Talk about screwing up a beautiful language. So it's best to ask your classmate how she pronounces her own name.
Reply:I could tell you three ways to pronounce it, but I can't type it in very well. I would just ask her how she wants you to say it.
Reply:i would pronounce it


Reply:its pronounced SAY-YEAH

Reply:yeah;; sell-ee-yay

or sell-ee-yaya

or something :]


Im almost sure
Reply:I can think of two ways to pronounce it. You'd better ask her.
Reply:In my way I would say

( Say - lee - e - ar ) or ask her how she wants her last name to be


Reply:i think maybe say-yay

even tho that sounds kinda funny.


Hope this helps!
Reply:Umm, ask her. My guess would be like "sell-e-aye"

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