Thursday, April 15, 2010

What is the best way to find the origin of your last name?

My friend has been trying to find the origin of his last name, hoping to find out where he is from. His great grandfather came to Guatemala from another country, but he died shortly after arriving so no one in my friend's family knows much about their origin. Is there a website that I could go to that is pretty accurate or a person I could e-mail? I would really like to help him out.

What is the best way to find the origin of your last name?
Reply:Yes, you can email me ATverizonDOTnet.

Or, you could log on to as a visitor. Click "Search" off the top bar. Enter the surname and see which nations come up.

Or click "Community" there and see what message boards it turns up on.

I have a friend who is Argentinian. His surname is Dutch, dating back to the days when Dutch market ships ruled the seas and Dutch merchants had warehouses in ports all over the world.

Reply:You can see where in the world that name is popular by entering it in this website:

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